Source code for scylla.web.server

import math
import os

from playhouse.shortcuts import model_to_dict
from sanic import Sanic
from sanic.request import Request
from sanic.response import json
from sanic_cors import CORS

from scylla.database import ProxyIP
from scylla.loggings import logger

app = Sanic()


base_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(__file__, os.pardir, os.pardir))

app.static('/assets/*', base_path + '/assets')
app.static('/', base_path + '/assets/index.html')
app.static('/*', base_path + '/assets/index.html')

def _parse_str_to_int(s: str) -> int:
        return int(s)
    except ValueError:
        return 0

def _get_valid_proxies_query():
    return > 0).where(ProxyIP.latency < 9999) \
        .where(ProxyIP.is_valid == True)

[docs]@app.route('/api/v1/proxies') async def api_v1_proxies(request: Request): args = request.raw_args limit = 20 page = 1 is_anonymous = 2 # 0: no, 1: yes, 2: any if 'limit' in args: int_limit = _parse_str_to_int(args['limit']) limit = int_limit if int_limit else 20 if 'page' in args: int_page = _parse_str_to_int(args['page']) page = int_page if int_page > 0 else 1 if 'anonymous' in args: str_anonymous = args['anonymous'] if str_anonymous == 'true': is_anonymous = 1 elif str_anonymous == 'false': is_anonymous = 0 else: is_anonymous = 2 str_https = None if 'https' in args: str_https = args['https'] country_list = [] if 'countries' in args: countries = args['countries'] country_list = countries.split(',') proxy_initial_query = _get_valid_proxies_query() proxy_query = proxy_initial_query if is_anonymous != 2: if is_anonymous == 1: proxy_query = proxy_initial_query.where(ProxyIP.is_anonymous == True) elif is_anonymous == 0: proxy_query = proxy_initial_query.where(ProxyIP.is_anonymous == False) if str_https: if str_https == 'true': proxy_query = proxy_initial_query.where(ProxyIP.is_https == True) elif str_https == 'false': proxy_query = proxy_initial_query.where(ProxyIP.is_https == False) if country_list and len(country_list) > 0: proxy_query = proxy_query.where( << country_list) count = proxy_query.count() # count before sorting proxies = proxy_query.order_by(ProxyIP.updated_at.desc(), ProxyIP.latency).offset((page - 1) * limit).limit(limit) logger.debug('Perform SQL query: {}'.format(proxy_query.sql())) proxy_list = [] for p in proxies: proxy_list.append(model_to_dict(p)) return json({ 'proxies': proxy_list, 'count': count, 'per_page': limit, 'page': page, 'total_page': math.ceil(count / limit), })
[docs]@app.route('/api/v1/stats') async def api_v1_stats(request: Request): median_query: ProxyIP = ProxyIP.raw("""SELECT latency FROM proxy_ips WHERE is_valid = 1 ORDER BY latency LIMIT 1 OFFSET ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM proxy_ips WHERE is_valid = 1 ) / 2""").get() median = median_query.latency mean_query: ProxyIP = ProxyIP.raw("""SELECT AVG(latency) as latency FROM proxy_ips WHERE is_valid = 1 AND latency < 9999""").get() mean = mean_query.latency valid_count = _get_valid_proxies_query().count() total_count = return json({ 'median': median, 'valid_count': valid_count, 'total_count': total_count, 'mean': mean, })
[docs]def start_web_server(host='', port=8899):, port=port)